electric cars prices in UAE Dubai

1064: SELECT products.id,products.title,products.alt2,products.thumb,webp_thumb,products.short,products.price,pc.category as categoryttitle FROM added_sub_brand INNER JOIN product_prices ON added_sub_brand.product_id=product_prices.product_id LEFT JOIN products ON added_sub_brand.product_id=products.id LEFT JOIN productcategories pc ON products.category=pc.id WHERE products.category= AND product_prices.country_id=5001 AND products.price > 0 AND added_sub_brand.sub_brand_id=900 ORDER BY id desc
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND product_prices.country_id=5001 AND products.price > 0 AND added_sub_brand...' at line 6